Airport Access Program (AAP)
New York City, NY - 1994
Individual Experience
The estimated $2.8 billion AAP
rail project was to connect
Manhattan with LaGuardia and
the John F. Kennedy (JFK)
International airports: the
scope involves the designed all
off-airport stations which included
four major intermodal stations.
Knowledge of the socio-political
concerns, understanding the ebb
and flow of New York City
transportation, and appropriate
unique design were keys to the
success of this large and
complex project.
Significant effort in the AAP
Neighborhood Outreach programs
were also important. The
respondent also provided
assistance in preparing appropriate
design along the proposed
rail alignment and attended many
neighborhood meetings. The
Airport Access Program and its
rail station designs were
subsquently featured in the Urban
Center Museum at Helmsley
Palace in New York City.